Huge Waste of Potential – VEGA Conflict Review

This game used to be fun. It used to be completely free to play. It used to have a huge social base of players to immerse yourself into a community. What does it have now??? Nothing. Vega been around for several years now. The only reason there are still any players is cuz they've dumped thousands of dollars... Not a joke... Into the game and that addiction or sense of investment holds them here like slaves. Kixeye the developer doesn't even bother fixing game flaws anymore unless the flaws affect their bottom line. Wouldn't be suprised to see vega servers shut down before the end of 2017. Not even slightly suprised. I can say this as an avid Vega player with over 2,000 in game hours put into it. If you are thinking about downloading this don't. If you still have it on your device, delete it. I wouldn't reccomend to anyone not even someone I hated to ever download a Kixeye game. And I can tell Kixeye now that I most certainly won't be seeing them around again.
Review by DragonRunner on VEGA Conflict.

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Cool game

Pay to Play

Old favorite, died hard. 4 years gone.
dieing for the daily show fix!