Has potential. – Addicaid - Addiction Recovery Support Review

It certainly has potential but without developer attention it is going to go the way if the dinosaurs. People are able to discuss things and form relationships. Problem is that the app is very buggy, and is getting buggier as time goes on. Notifications rarely ever work. This is a problem because when people reply or ask questions it is hard to find the posts without the notifications to indicate where the reply is. People end up getting missed and they think they were ignored. This has been happening for quite a while. I was only able to connect for a brief moment once over the past two days. I noticed others having the same issue. Other times It takes multiple attempts to connect. Posts don't always appear even after the shade indicated the post was successful. Other times entire sections of posts repeat themselves three, four, five times or even more. Like I said, it has potential, but absent some serious TLC and development expertise it is currently one step above useless. I hope they improve it.
Review by JMD301519 on Addicaid - Addiction Recovery Support.

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