Corruption & Falsehoods Masquerading as Legitimate Press – CNN Philippines Review

In light of the recent investigative reporting by Project Veritas, I wish to file a complaint against CNN for knowingly airing fraudulent, harmful, accusatory stories and shows aimed at belittling and disgracing the President of the USA. These fraudulent broadcasts have the intent of confusing the American public, essentially presenting complete lies as actual journalistic integrity. The American citizenry has relied on CNN and others for truthful, accurate reporting to inform our worldview, and they know this. They have taken their position of trust for granted and even after the Project Veritas investigation was made public, they continue to twist and muddle and silence the truth while continually airing known lies and still passing it off to the unknowing as legitimate and news-worthy. This is a huge slap in the face of the American public, a major disregard for their entire viewership. This is harmful and illegal and has zero journalistic integrity. CNN is not news, it's fraudulent acrobatics aimed to deceive. Are there protections they are currently receiving as they masquerade under the guise of journalism? All protections and press opportunities should be revoked entirely, and the network should be fined and censured to the fullest extent possible, as clearly nothing but money matters to CNN and their so-called news teams. I don't believe they deserve the honor of being called press, news, or journalism, because they seek to misrepresent and distort the truth on a daily basis.
Review by ARkickpants on CNN Philippines.

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