Face to face – Stray Dog Simulator Review

There was a dog named zoey and she was a puppy and one day she got lost in a Carnival ? she could not find her sis and bro,pa,ma so she was a stay dog for while now she's a grownup husky now so she got hurt one day by the dog catcher She tried to get away but it didn't work. So she bit the dog catcher and she got away. One day she found a husband and she had puppies. One was back and the other was White and brown One was named Junior and the other one was named Maddie. They to the Lake and got water ?. One day she Had a dream about her mother and father and sister and brother it was so sad ?. She was crying in her sleep so she hugged her husband and puppies ? The End
Review by beanie boo girl 10 on Stray Dog Simulator.

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