Disappointed. – Crazy Space Goat Simulator 3D Review

My son thought it was funny but wrong. He cried. Here's something for you: Tayga games: I'm gonna make a great game. Mojang: I think we already have the best. Tayga games: I don't think so. Mojang: We have minecraft. Better than goats. Tayga games: Nuh uh. I'm making a game that makes kids cry and their mothers curse us. Mojang: Sounds horrible. Minecraft keeps people happy and playing. Adventure update made a hit of people join in and play. Tayga games: Well, too bad people have to pay for the so called best game "minecraft". I hear it's seven dollars. Mojang: Well, at least we have billions of fans from around the world. And you don't. Sorry! Tayga games: Your game is garbage. All because Microscoft helps you out. Microscoft: Actually, we don't. We make ad dons, but nothing more. Mojang: Tayga, watch out. Oh minhoo: Mojang is right. And so are we. Us and Mojang are tied with the world's best games. Check out wolf online. Mojang: Wow. It's awesome. What about minecraft? Oh minhoo: It's pretty cool. We like it. Tayga games: Who said minhoo could step in? Oh minhoo: We decided to step in. Mojang: Can Microscoft join in again? Microscoft: We don't see why we can't. Tayga, watch out or you'll be sued. Tayga: Not unless I sue all of you suckers first. Mojang: Sue yourself. Tayga: Why should I? You losers deserve to be sued first and go to prison. Mojang, Oh minhoo, and Microscoft: Stop it Tayga. We're warning you. Tayga: Shut up. Oh minhoo: Let's all be quiet. Or sue our selves. *whispers to Microscoft and Mojang " Let's pretend to go shopping but secretly sue Tayga"* Mojang: Good idea. All except for Tayga go out and sue Tayga for making a fake game. Well, sorry that was long, but true.
Review by Wolfiewow23 on Crazy Space Goat Simulator 3D.

All Crazy Space Goat Simulator 3D Reviews

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Dem' skittles



Not even.