"app" is junk- wrapper over their website!! – MiniMed Connect Review

The app says it hasn't been tested to work since iOS 6.0. No, that is NOT a typo! Doesn't really matter anyway - it isn't an app at all. It just runs Safari in a window, interferes somehow with it filling in your password automatically, and then brings up the website. Just open the carelink website in the browser - it will save and restore your password and let you login faster. The alerts (texts) come from their website anyway - not the app. They need to actually write an app. I am an app developer so I Understand this stuff. So poorly written, the thing on the phone that uploads the info to the web is useful (which is where the connect has value - not this cr - app) - it will allow other users of the website to get texts when high or low. When that part is working it is good. Now, the other issue is their CGMS that they say is more accurate than the meter tests - but it uses them to calibrate so it can NOT be. At best, it is +/- some % from the meter reading. And that has been about 100. So, it warns you that you are low when it says you are at 50, but you are really st 150 when you test. (Or wakes you up at 4 am!) It is better than nothing. Mostly, on the high side. It will tell you that you hit 300, when you are really at 200 - which is still high. It loses its calibration all the time, and some brilliant engineer coded it to stop talking to a sensor once it fails to calibrate twice. And how can it fail???? You told it the number, so it should be able to figure it out, or ask you for another reading in 15 minutes until it has the data to calibrate correctly. Bad programmers all around on this. Like they outsourced to India or China or something. I don't trust the numbers, they tell you not to trust them as well... System has value, this app doesn't
Review by Traderhut.com on MiniMed Connect.

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