Untested expansion sets – Peninsular War Battles Review

The biggest change from other Hexwar games are the very large units of 13-20 troops. I found the French campaigns fun and engaging. But when I switched to the Allies, I encountered a frequent game crash where the enemy turn would just cycle forever with the little flags waving. I wound up having ti save and restart the game, which seemed to give the enemy a free turn. On Assault - Tamames, I found myself wondering if this closing map had been playtested. I would like to see a play-through on youtube, as I was not able to complete this map even on Easy. I would charge a single enemy unit with a 13-strength unit, and see my formation flee in terror. If I was a real-life commander and that happened, I would have thrown down my equipment and raised the white flag. The Conquest and Engagement expansion campaigns on the Allied side seemed to have this same severe game imbalance bug, where enemy units on Easy behaved as if the game was on Hard. I couldn't complete their opening levels. When you watch three 12-strength units all miss a 5-strength unit right in front of them, there's no tactic to overcome that sort of wacky game mechanics. Try the game if you want, but beware the expansion campaigns until Hexwar sees fit to support their Ipad customers more.
Review by Adestudent on Peninsular War Battles.

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