Think Positive – Positive Thinking by Glenn Harrold Review

I've been listening to Glenn's meditation apps for 2 years. They are so helpful that I listen to them twice a day now. I'm a member of twelve step groups and have been for a long time. Glenn enhances, greatly, my recovery. His positive thinking app is one of the most effective and helpful I've ever listened to. He is also one of my favorite speakers to listen to - he has a calming soothing positive way of guiding you into the subject matter that , when the meditation and suggestions are over, I find myself a much more happier, hopeful, and positive person. And not just short term. He's given me much more confidence for my future. And as you say, Glenn, in this positive thinking meditation , " I believe in myself ", now and in the future. Thanks so much! Rosemary K, Cincinnati .
Review by Rome48 on Positive Thinking by Glenn Harrold.

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