Don't bother pure garbage – High Flush Booster Review

Update... last 6 sessions have proven just as futile. 1000 gone in 5-7 mins avg at 20/10/10 bet. The odds of winning a hand here are probably about 10 to one. If you like the game in casinos walk away... they force you to correctly play cards here which is unrealistic as are the runs of garbage cards. I played the same bets I play in Vegas and lost 1000 faster than I lose 200 in Vegas. ... and it happens every time. 20 mins of play will take your bank consistently. Oh and on a random 7 card deal to just two players the odds against seeing 8cards of one suit is let's just say extremely high here it happens almost every session and surprise the dealer usually has the Ace. FYI at a casino you do not have to raise if you have a three card straight flush, say 3,4,5 of spades is you best run... you can simply place the cards at the straight flush spot and take your winnings by folding the hand. My I suggest... 1 learn the game. 2 try a fair deal, you'll be the first on the net! Just another "random card dealer" not dealing random. The deserve 0 stars and will see ZERO dollars for this pig!
Review by TomCARR on High Flush Booster.

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