Good Story But I'm "Dreaming" of Improvement! – Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir (Full) Review

The premise explores the trickery of the mind as the main character shifts back and forth from her world of reality, where her familiarities are true in fact, to one that conjures up figments of the imagination. You set out to save your friend's husband from an evil villain who haunts people in their dreams; consequently, you travel to his dreamworld in order to bring him back to the real world. Along the way, you are bewildered by idiosyncratic hallucinations, such as shrunken humans caught in mouse traps while being menaced by a curious cat; floating islands in which each one leads to its own peculiar enigmas; and a little gremlin that guides you to victory. The characters are caricature-like in appearance as their features are exaggerated in order to produce a comic effect; this idea of distorting their attributes plays well into the bizarre theme of the storyline. You get a diary to follow story progression. The graphics are a bit fuzzy; a tweaking of such would be a positive enhancement. You have a special difficulty mode to set your own preferences. The inventory is labeled but not interactive. A map is not included, but one is not necessary since your journey is quite linear. The HOS are all traditional word lists; variation is needed if this developer plans on competing against their more advanced-minded peers. The puzzles were mostly simple, such as moving masks to their proper positions to open a door. You collect "beyond" creatures of varying shapes and sizes throughput the locations. You will play a short bonus chapter after completing the main game. Transition is delayed for a staggering amount of time going in and out of the cut-scenes; in addition, it is toilsome to manually travel between scenes since I need to find that magic spot in order to activate the directional arrows. As demonstrated above, this game has an engaging storyline; however, some improvements are needed to achieve a more robust experience. All-in-all, I did enjoy playing this; but I'm happy that I purchased this while on sale for a mere .99 cents.
Review by KimTwilight69 on Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir (Full).

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