This app is incredible! – MY FOX8 Review

We begin by tapping and opening the app. The Fox 8 logo appears for a couple of seconds and then the top news stories load. Sounds alright. Wait..... about 10 seconds after the stories have loaded, the app comes to a freeze. We can't even close the app until it unfreezes, which it will within 30 seconds or so. Alright, we are past the glitchy freezey thing. So we tap a story we would like to read. Now come the ads. All apps and websites have them, no problem right? Well, a lot of these ads block the story until you tap the ad to open a browser window. Ok, we got the ad viewed and we are on the story about "amazing video captured". Oh, but wait. There is a story about the "amazing video", but no video.....hmmm. Ok, we just pick another story, go through the ad thing again, and.....Bam, the whole app closes. This is such an awesome app!
Review by Dude27302 on MY FOX8.

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