Ridiculous Ads – MacDailyNews Review

There are so many ads that they constantly load the entire time you're reading the article. Even after you've read the entire article and want to leave a comment, it still pops the keyboard down and is designed to get you to accidentally press the ads while you're trying to type on the keyboard. They also have had a bad plague lately of ads that just redirect the entire page without clicking on anything, and foce you to view some ad about how you won an iPhone or vacation >:( MacDailyNews are the worst app developers and the worst kind of journalists you will ever find because of their unacceptable "advertising" practices. Also, even if they removed all the ads, I can't login to leave comments like I used to be able to do, I have to enter my name and email every time. Pressing notifications doesn't take you to the article you selected, it just opens the app. And that is when you're lucky enough to even get notifications. Once in a while they'll stop for like a month, so I just say oh well and stop reading it at all until they fix the issue. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. Fix it!
Review by the0nly0ne on MacDailyNews.

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