Saved my life. – Party Qs Review

It all started in ’76. I grew up on a quaint farm in the backcountry of eastern Minnesota. I never met anyone outside of my parents because they never sent me to school. Then came the fateful day in ’76 when I met a boy my age. I walked up to him and muttered, “Uhhhh..”. Confused, he walked away without a word. So it started. My life of complete social awkwardness. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. I was on my last leg, ready to give up. I was so tired of always going in for a fist bump when the other person was doing a high five, and having uncontrollable farts. I thought I would never fit in. But from heavens above, descending to God’s vivacious green earth below, came an app. A life-giving app. An app that cures social floundering forevermore. Thank you to the creators for the brilliance of creativity instilled in this project. Party Q’s saved my life.
Review by Sam Bernard on Party Qs.

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