A (Worthwhile) Work in Progress – rideRTC Review

Probably more stars than the current version deserves, but RTC should be encouraged to complete the development of this app. I'd give it five stars if it actually did everything in the app that it promises to do. At the moment, it's very much a work in (initial) progress. For example, the current iteration of the Ride Tracker drops off into Safari to look up stops. Unfortunately, the stop finder tool on RTC's web site is coded in Flash, which makes that effort meaningless. If that had worked, it wants to use a stop ID that was to have been supplied by the stop finder tool. Dropping into Chrome on my desktop so that stop finder tool can work (I long ago removed Flash from my browser of choice :-)) shows me the stops on my routes, but no stop IDs. Need I go on?
Review by Esfrank on rideRTC.

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