Idiotic new comments system – YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream Review

The new and "improved" (and by that I mean utterly botched, like, the-rocket-exploded-on-the-pad-and-everyone-died-horribly botched) way the comment section is now organized is infuriating, stupid, infuriatingly stupid, and stupidly infuriating to an absolutely incredible degree. Previously, I could just look at all the comments I wanted, in an intelligent order, without having to go to a whole new stupid unwanted page that looks to be some crappy knockoff of Google+. Is that what you're doing, trying to get people more interested in Google+? If so, it's not gonna help, if anything you're driving people away. I'm not sure what you meatheads were smoking when you designed the changes to your comment section, but I absolutely hate it. I know I'm not the only one, I can already see other people raging about it. I couldn't care less about how much you've anticipated your absolutely worthless new special-snowflake-Google+-promotion-utter-BS-comment-section. Un-ruin this utter travesty of usability posthaste; revert entirely to the older and waywaywaywaywayWAAAAAAAAY better comment section. And one other thing? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is a lesson you people apparently all desperately need drilled into your thick skulls. And don't even get me STARTED on the bugs... it's like an ant farm there are so many bugs... I rate it one star, but if I could rate it NEGATIVE five stars for this, I assure you I would. Shame on you, YouTube design team. Shame on you.
Review by Clay_Pidgeon on YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream.

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Holy Crap
Egg been