I really love WordPress app! – WordPress – Website Builder Review

My older review was so long, I just deleted it. I'm starting fresh. Why do I mention this? Because it's obvious to me that the app developers are NOT arrogant as one reviewer complained, but rather that they are trying hard to make this app the best. This is obvious because my very wordy, long detailed reviews were clearly looked at and regarded...all the new features in the latest update addresses those and more! To the Dev team...thanks for listening!! About the app mid Sept. 2016...its almost there...which is why I'm giving the app 5 stars...I'm certain it's the best ios blog writing app out there! The things needed now are just sort of nitpicky... But first...what I LOVE: I write my blogs exclusively on iPads...using the app 80% of the time. How I use Featured photos...u can easily skip this part and scroll down to the ❤️ I love that I can do everything I need to do, right in the app...except for a few little things. One is, I can't add photos to a post that were uploaded previously...meaning they are in my media library already...nitpicky, right? Yes and no. How this bothers me the most is I'm not able to select a featured photo in-app. I use featured photos as decorative banners that run along the top of my site...because the dimensions for my themes featured photos doesn't make it useful for much else. Think long & thin, banner-like pics. So I use artwork, my husbands photography and other cool images I run across or create...and keep maybe 30 in media library to apply to each post. After I'm done writing I need to go into each post on a browser and add the featured photo. I also have to do this if I'm reusing other images or previously uploaded them...images take up about 50% of my 'post writing' time. ❤️My most LOVED features continues... I most ❤️LOVE that photo selection, insertion and editing aspects of naming & placing images within blog posts has been fixed! THANK YOU! One nitpicky thing I'd find REALLY helpful is if I could actually see how the photo would appear placement & size-wise within the app. Preview gives you some of this...but I usually use the web version for final tweaking of this too. Can Skip too - Web app Problem on iPad - New Editor Speaking of the web version...I don't know if others have this problem too...but when I use the new editor in Safari on iPads...as I scroll through my posts and proof them...I almost always accidentally delete images...so I have to keep re-adding them which is annoying. This occurs I think because the backspace/delete key is at the top right side of the keyboard. I'm right-handed, so scroll with my right finger...as I'm swiping down I must enter the keyboard area with my finger and touch the delete button. I sometimes scroll on the left...if I remember too. But generally I tend to use the old editor more. Back to ios APP...more things I ❤️LOVE about WRITING on the app... • The ease of switching from one blog to another (I use a test blog to test out complex coding so switching back & forth is easy.) • The new shortcuts added to the keyboard! But undo currently isn't working. • Accessing almost all settings for each post...like categories and tags. I would love if we could add excerpts here too...nitpicky? • All the formatting tools you have in app are great. Those that are left out give users a gentle nudge towards learning some simple html coding...imo a good idea! Things I love about the ios app outside of writing... • Checking stats quickly • Responding to reader comments • Using the Reader • the apps widget for quickly checking my stats IMPROVEMENT IDEAS Somethings I'd love to see: • add access to the media library • a bug that crashes the app...when I try to use the Share icon in a post preview...the app crashes. Fixing this is important because I write long posts that need lots of proofreading before publishing. I need to send previews to various tools for that. My favorite is using Instapaper's tts feature. I have Instapaper read my proof out load to me while I make corrections on another iPad. Also it's important because getting a clean copy of my draft posts isn't easy...even using the web apps. The best way to do it is using the old editor where I can preview the whole post & use Safari's Share to Instapaper. • fix keyboard shortcut undo function bug. • most saving issues are fixed I think. The reason I'm not sure is because we've been having bandwidth problems that I attribute to iCloud & Google Photos backups. Sometimes edits take a long time to save...but I do LOVE how easy you've made it to see this status! • One formatting function I'd LOVE to have added is the ability position text in the center. Left & right justify would be nice too...like on the web editors...but centering is most important for me. Trying to use html for this is not easy!!!
Review by vsaltd.jewel on WordPress – Website Builder.

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