(Tardosh) Disgustingly Faulty – Covers by Wattpad Review

Yea, I can make covers fine, which is great, but you know what would be even better? If I could USE any of them! Every time I try to assign one to a story, no matter what way I go about it, the story either doesn't show up on the list or it says "failed to assign cover" and keeps trying to assign it to the story, over and over, not letting me do a thing until I close the app and reopen it! There's not even an option to save the cover as a photo to your camera roll in case of such instances as the two listed above, so I've been forced to screenshot my covers and crop them in the 'Photos' app on my phone just so I can use them! Fix this, please!
Review by ThunderLightTSV on Covers by Wattpad.

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