GREAT Product and Technical Support, BUT... – CUJO Review

I think CUJO is finally helping to fill the very real need to secure home and small business networks. Most consumers don't understand how seriously they should take cyber security and may not fully appreciate the damage that can be done when their home WiFi networks are breached – something that's extremely easy to do even when you do "all the right things" (e.g., use WPA/WPA2 with a long, complex, meaningless password; "hide" your SSID; restrict access to known MAC addresses; use firewalls, and on and on). CUJO was easy to setup, and started working pretty much right away. It caught and blocked a "potential" malicious adware program straight away. Something my antivirus software running in the background didn't catch. So, yeah, I'm happy with CUJO. My one critique is their online help files/FAQ section. The answers are poorly written and geared towards a the very technically savvy. That's not at all in keeping with their minimalist and...ah...err...friendly hardware design (I find the "eyes" both odd and confusing). I also think the help video isn't very informative and borders on seductive. It's kind of funny. I don't mean any offense CUJO spokeswoman. It's probably just me. Bottom line: I would recommend CUJO to family and friend.
Review by Seattle_Sean on CUJO.

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