A Bit Disappointing – Learn Spanish by MindSnacks Review

I use this app frequently and enjoy it, but there are a lot of apparent flaws. One of the most obvious flaws is the fact that the pictures for the words are confusing- in more way than one. Most of the cartoon photos are cute and easy to understand. Others can have more than one meaning, which can be annoying in the image recognition game. The other picture concern is that not all the cartoons are cute little pictures mindsnacks shows you before your purchase! Many of them are actual photos- and they're... ugly. For whatever reason they decided to use poor photography instead of the adorable little cartoon pictures they use for a lot of the game- and the pictures are often extremely confusing. There's a lso a little bit of "Spanglish" or wordings of phrases that aren't as likely to be said by a native Spanish speaker (Quiero ver vs. Quiero que vea, for example.) and I've seen at least one full on mistake (tienes cuidado supposedly meant "be careful", but "ten cuidado is how you'd actually say it).
Review by Jckopolk on Learn Spanish by MindSnacks.

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