Explore space in a Mason jar! – Verreciel Review

Or Willy Wonkas Great Glass Elevator. A very elegant depiction of space travel. So relaxing. Nothing to blow up here. Just the solitude of space. What galaxy are we exploring? Who knows but based on the names of the star systems and currency it might be the the IKEA Galaxy. There's no manual on how to fly the ship. Limited instructions or hints help you to solve the puzzles that are the "glass cockpit" controls of the ship. You can install a radio in the ship to play cool electronic music. I don't know if it can access the iPhones music library. It would be cool if it could so I could play to Souvlaki Space station by Slowdive. I love vector graphics I'm glad they chose to use them. Reminds me of Major Havoc.
Review by 350125 on Verreciel.

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