My Dark Secret: My Ancestors Played This Decades Ago! – Secrets of the Dark: Mystery of the Ancestral Estate HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full) Review

I am pleased to announce that one of our favorite developers released a new game in the following series: "New York Mysteries: Lantern of Souls" by Five BN. I left a review as did others. Additionally, I stated in my last review that Artifex Mundi released a new one, "Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily." A few BF fans, including myself, left some reviews. It's very fun. I cannot believe that this game was released for us. It's like taking a step back to 2012 when games were still lacking current, advanced features that we are now spoiled with. The good features consist of a good journal, nice old-school puzzles (work em out), satisfactory graphics, and a back button. However, I was so bored that I stopped to write a review. The story line lacks fluidity and is completely uninteresting. I had no problems with transition between scenes, but gameplay is slow to progress. There's much back and forth between the same scenes until you move on. Inventory is labeled but not interactive. There's no customized settings, no map, no collectibles, or extras (there's a bonus chapter). The HOS lack variety and are slightly interactive; I had to use hints to find the blindingly small objects. I did like the twist of changes in the environment, which affects where you find items. The gameplay lacked creativity or innovation to maintain my interest. Do play the other two games mentioned above; you'll be happier. Finally, to Lynx Minx: I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt; my thoughts are with you.
Review by KimTwilight69 on Secrets of the Dark: Mystery of the Ancestral Estate HD - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full).

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