Tried to give it a second chance: f*ck this game – Spellchain Review

I gave this game another chance but I seriously cannot even have fun with it anymore. At some point the developers were like "let's give you only 20 health and 5 mana and give all enemies like 30 health and 7 mana!" This turned into a survival game where you have to constantly heal and shield up to survive another turn. All while weakening your enemy's army and dealing damage. Sounds easy enough, except the randomness of the spells appearing, always seeming to favor the enemy on their turn. I really tried to like this game, truly but I just can't. I'm angry every time I try to give this a chance because no matter what you do, you have the worst of it every match. And there's no way to upgrade or level up your guy so you can get at least like one more mana point? Maybe health? I think a level up system would make this game more balanced but until then, this game is broken. You always have lower health, shied and mana, and you can try to somehow gain the advantage, but it won't change the fact that they higher tier enemies end up f*cking you over and over. I don't think any game made me rage like this before. Random generators sound balanced, only they're not in this game. At least with other card games/board games there is some strategy and deck building, but there's no strategy here at all. It all depends on how lucky you are in your turn to get a spell that you can use with another to make a combo. If I can make a suggestion to the developers, if they even care or see this: introduce a level up system where you gain experience every time you defeat someone, just so you can increase your starting mana or health, or anything. Or better yet: someone else make a game like this and make it fair, because this game just isn't fair. It's all luck and stronger enemies. How is that fun?
Review by Ur average raging gamer on Spellchain.

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