Like so many martyrs – Classical Music Radio WQXR Review

Great ideas, not-so-great execution. The "On Demand" section needs the most help: many playlists are in random order and are neither searchable nor sortable; playing audio can't be scrubbed; the "Previously played" list doesn't retain a history; some advertised tracks are absent (the piece I downloaded the app to listen to isn't there); where's Meet the Composer? Etc. There are plenty of good things happening here, especially being able to see lots of detail about what's playing in the stream. (For which Actaeon paid dearly; for us it's happily free.) But, like an Italian model with a broken nose, when your best feature is out of whack...that tends to get all the attention. Alas. I'm very grateful for the app, don't get me wrong—I'd just like to see it live up to its potential.
Review by violonfello on Classical Music Radio WQXR.

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