Great on iPhone 6 Plus and iPad (update) – Basic! Review

I am 70 years old and love this program of yours. I think programming is helping me to keep my mind sharp, thanks to you! Really glad to see such a nice program, as this, for the iPhone 6 Plus and the iPad. Thanks for the recent update, totally solved the missing Help and Run buttons. Future update.... Auto Save would be nice. I have been using this program since mid 2014 and it is absolutely the BEST program (ever) for writing programs using the Basic Code. You are a fantastic programmer for what you have accomplished with this application. The only problem I have is when I go to EDIT the code, sometimes the screen will go blank. If I rotate my iPad the code will show up on the screen, but when I click on it, it's gone again. I have to Reboot the iPad, then I can use your program again. The worst part is the fact that all of the code I wrote, since my last save, is gone. I also have another program called BASIC, it is pretty nice with it's color code and and the original line numbers, quite retro. I never have had any problems with EDIT. But, I don't like it because it has limited syntax and just does not work like your program does, so I don't use it. Even if you are not able to update this program anymore, maybe someone can do this for you. There are those who really love this program, besides me, please help us if you can. Thanks again, for being such a Fantastic Programmer! Web
Review by lehivalley on Basic!.

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