Incredible StarFox-inspired game with serious potential – Fox Wing Review

I get immediate nostalgia by playing this. This strongly resembles the original StarFox SNES game. I always played StarFox 64 as a kid, and this provides a similar feel. It does need some improvements, and I've got some suggestions: 1. Motion control support. 2. Fewer obstacles. They're currently very hard to dodge and shoot fast enough. 3. Improved aiming while moving (going left aims guns left, going right aims guns right, etc). An aiming reticle might be nice. 4. Boosting, braking, and barrel rolls. 5. More flying enemies and slower enemy shots. 6. Ad-removal purchase (price permitting, I'd gladly make the purchase). 7. Lag reduction. I tend to glitch through whole areas of obstacles within a level undamaged.
Review by SlugShotSniper on Fox Wing.

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