Lesser of Evils – iAliens for Reddit Review

The app is a well designed, convenient way to browse reddit. HOWEVER, as others mentioned it crashes a bunch. Also, the reason I'm writing this review: I am tired of the ads that swap apps from reddit to my browser (you know, the ones that take you to Amazon or some other googleads sponsored shaz), especially when that redirects me to the AppStore... Sometimes this is just an inconvenience, other times it is infuriating as the reddit app reloads fresh and I have to *hope* I starred the thing I was on or run back through a bunch of posts to find it. I would much rather an ad bar or pop up than to be taken out of app into another one. By taking me out of app without my choosing it makes me feel like my control over the device I purchased has been taken away, and I do not like that I'll give more stars once this is fixed. The glitches and crashes are meh but survivable. UPDATE: the crashes have become more frequent, large images or gifs try to load then stall and crash the app, they added banner ads AND kept the shitty redirect ads. I'm going to try Reddit's official app...
Review by Treehuggingmonkey on iAliens for Reddit.

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