All eBay Sellers Need This 100% Free App (no annoying in-app offers either)‼️ – Salecalc for eBay Calculator Review

This app literally saved my eBay store. A few months ago I considered closing my eBay store due to low profit margins compared to in-person sales and direct purchases through my comic book store's site for the same items. I was very disheartened because I invested so much time over 2 ½ years to become a top rated, power seller with monthly eBay sales of $1,500.00 to $3,000.00 (roughly 40-70% of my total gross sales) and couldn't understand why my net was so low that I was barely profitable. Fortunately, I did not make a hasty decision and I found this app! Because 90%+ of my BIN listings include the "best offer" option and I am seldom at my desk, nearly 100% of the items sold through offers were done using eBay's iOS app on my iPhone. That means that I was "guesstimating" my profit margin instead of using firm numbers which resulted in accepting offers that were at or near my costs. After downloading this app and using it consistently, I no longer make this costly mistake. Two months later my profit margins on eBay sales have increased from 8-10% to 30%+! I often send screen shots of this app's results to customers when I counteroffer so they see my actual costs and understand why their initial offers weren't accepted. Doing this has increased my conversion rate on counteroffers by 40% compared to my best month in 2015! Knowing how effective this app is and considering the immediate, positive impact it had on my business, the developer could easily justify charging $20+ for it. Instead it is completely free and supported solely through unobtrusive ads placed below all the data you need. In summation, if you sell on eBay and you are not using this app for pricing your listings and/or when accepting offers, you are losing money. ? App Developer ? I cannot possibly thank you enough! It was not hyperbole when I stated that it saved my eBay store. No other app, widget, template, etc. has ever had such an immediate and sustained positive impact on my eBay sales & profit margins. I am truly grateful.
Review by Sean Huze on Salecalc for eBay Calculator.

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