Unusual – DEVICE 6 Review

This is not like any game I have played before. It's basically an interactive book. It is very well done and very imaginative and absorbing. The puzzles are basically a way to advance to the next chapter, where equal weight is placed on the reading and observations plus the challenge of figuring out the puzzles. It's long enough, but I wish it was longer. This is the second game I have played by this developer (I played Year Walk), and maybe I am more sensitive to a 1st-person experience where things get unpleasant. As with the other game, I found this one a bit disturbing too. It is a good game, so I would recommend it if my previous comment doesn't bother you. I guess I have learned my lesson and probably should stop downloading any more games by this developer! :/
Review by DelleeComeOn on DEVICE 6.

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