Read this!!! – My Little Dungeon Review

This game is fun, plain and simple. It seems like a mindless tapper until you actually play it. Although it is very close to perfection, I have some suggestions if you want feedback. First, time. 4x is fast, buuuuuuut it can get a little slow after a while, perhaps a 8x for five hundred gems? Second, powerups. Could you make a powerup that makes the quests go 2x, like you did with the magic attacks? Also something I enjoyed in other games that have temp powerups is you could make them permanent! For a sizable stack of cash though, I'd suggest the lowest be at least five hundred gems, simply because these are pretty powerful powerups. Third, perhaps more items to find in travels? Pretty easy to do, just have a mystery item appear on the hundredth (or thousandth, I dunno) run in each world. The items would have to greatly increase a certain stat, basically make all that gametime worth it. Now onto the good points: basically everything! Gems are nice to find, they aren't too scarce, but it does take time to build them up. I like that! Actually being able to earn gems in the game instead of wasting actual cash is a wonderful refresher from basically EVERY OTHER GAME IN THE APP STORE. That's one of the many reasons I play the game, it's fair. The powerups give a good edge when playing, but you don't absolutely need them. The explody power is a wonderful thing, with no cool down it greatly helps against bosses (as long as you plan ahead and save up like, fifty of em. I burned through over two hundred with the last boss!). The potions, you found a great balance (just thought of this, why not put potions and explody buttons in the shop? You could also add different color potions for added effects like poison, burn, regen health, and more!). I know I'm missing a whole lot more, but, this is all I can remember right now so, yeah sorry about that. All-around, great game, can't wait for the second one, and I hope this one gets updated soon. Thank you for making this game, it's a blast, even though it seems pretty simplistic on the outside.
Review by Jingle bell Jaybird on My Little Dungeon.

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Jingle bell Jaybird

Good Game!