Great app to track assets for insurance purposes – Safeco Home Inventory Review

This is a very easy to use app that will allow you to add your household furniture, appliances, etc and keeps track of them for homeowners or renters insurance purposes. You do not need to have Safeco insurance to use this app, but if you do have Safeco, you can add your policies into the app. It says that in the event of loss due to theft or fire, etc, you can export a list of your assets to provide your insurance company. It is very easy to add an item to your list. Click on the "add" button, and take a cell pic of the item. Then just add a description and the cost and purchase date of it. You can also add new items by scanning the UPC code on the box! It recognizes the item and auto populates the item description, maker, model number. You can add photo of the receipt and add addition photos of the item at any time. It allows you to categorize the item by which room in the house it resides it, and also by the type of item. So you can sort your items to show only items in your kitchen or bedroom, or narrow it by just appliances or jewelry, etc. when you sort, it shows you total value of those items. This allows you to see if you have adequate insurance coverage for tools, computers, etc. The only downfall I see is it looks like you cannot add a UPC code after you add the item. You have to add the item using the UPC code at first if you want it to pre populate the thing. So if you find the original box after you add the item, you have to delete the prior asset then add it again using the bar code option. Not a big deal. Overall a handy and useful app.
Review by NavyMomxx2 on Safeco Home Inventory.

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