President – "Easy Sales Goal Tracker" Review

Definitely worth the money! In the previous comment, the writer suggests that you save your money and do not purchase Sales Goal Tracker. They were expecting this to be a CRM app which it is not. This is an even more powerful tool than any CRM system could possibly be. Applied correctly and used daily, this app will make you more money than you would think possible. Imagine if you only increased your sales by one extra sale per week, wouldn’t that be worth it? I've been hunting for a simple sales behavior tracker for quite awhile. I was not interested in a CRM system that tracks prospects through a sales funnel. Those are too complicated and time consuming and few sales people can keep up with them making them a burden rather than an aid. Over the years, I have learned that what really matters are the activities and behaviors that generate those quotes and orders that fill the sales funnel. If these activities/behaviors are established and rigorously done every day, the sales results will come. I know, because I've been doing it this way for years. Until I found Sales Tracker I was keeping what was called an Attitude/Behavior Journal on an excel work sheet. Each year I would establish my end goal of total sales by end of Q4. I then would list the activities that I have learned over the years must happen to achieve this goal. Then I would break these down into the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly number of times these must happen. The spreadsheet works great but is time consuming. So, I have been looking for a replacement and found it in Sales Goal Tracker. I can understand why the fist commenter feels they wasted their money, because this is not a CRM tracker. Instead Sales Goal Tracker tracks 5 essential activities that you determine are the primary drivers of your sales efforts. For instance, I track numbers of phone calls, meetings with distributors, meetings with end users, quotes, and education. How much of each that is required can be difficult, but if you carefully analyze what you already do to generate the revenue to meet your annual sales goal, the numbers will be easy to determine. For instance, I determined that I need to make 20 calls per day which in 260 working day calendar year turns out to be 5200 calls per year. If you put down that your sales need to be four million for the year, that equates to almost $15,385 per day. Now you know that each call is worth $769.00. I have also noticed that there is a clear relationship between the dollar value of the quotes I do and the revenue that is generated by them. The ratio is 3 to 1, meaning I must generate $46,155 in quotes per day in order to meet my daily sales goals. So the great benefit of tracking activities or behaviors is that you can control whether or not you do the activities. You cannot control your customers, but you can control your behaviors. Doing them or not is up to you. As I said above, it's the rigorous adherence of sticking with the behaviors that gets the sales, not chasing orders. Therefore, if you need a sales tool that will put you over the top, the cost of Sales Goal Tracker is definitely a bargain. If you’ve never tracked your behaviors and activities before, you owe it to yourself to give this a try.
Review by ERAI Inc on "Easy Sales Goal Tracker".

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