An original roguelite! – Rogue Saga Review

I'm enjoying it so far. A 3/4ths perspective roguelite with a blocky minecraft asthetic. I think the game's most novel feature is how it uses a clever turn based/real time hybrid for all of your actions. The game is for all intents and purposes turn based but the monsters are moving and acting as you move. So plot a long jog across a big room and you'll see nearby monsters take several steps toward you, but if you just take a little baby step, they'll also only come 1 step closer. While paused plotting your next move, time in the dungeon freezes. The game uses food in a clever way as it both is needed to survive (you can see your stomach satiation decrease over turns taken), but it can also be used to heal you. The tricky situation is when you desoarately need healing and have food but are too full to take another bite (annoying when it hapoens but I have to admire it as a clever mechanic).
Review by Lord Gek on Rogue Saga.

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