It's only Logical! – Logic Detective Review

This is how logic puzzles should be. I think its funny how it's a "logic" puzzle, and people don't take the time to SEE the logic- before scrawling off a bad review... There are two free forms- that offer an infinite array of clues- generating a NEW puzzle EVERY TIME! The form of the puzzle doesn't change- but the clues do... There are many -well thought out- teaching features, that keep the challenge- but not the frustration. *5 levels of difficulty, that can be changed any time. *There is a "Be Lazy" button to x out all the negates next to a positive checkmark- (I don't always use that, when I'm really thinking hard, and don't want to be distracted). *A "How Am I Doing" button- (to show you how many are wrong- not which ones-) so you're not ruining your puzzle, or wasting your time. *A "Solution" button, that doesn't solve the puzzle- but rather explains the logic of each clue, in sentence form in a popup window- this is great for children, and those new to this type of puzzle, and then you can use those as "hints" to learn how to fill in the grids, and understand How to "see" the logic... *A separate "Solve" button- I guess that's for those impatient types- I've never needed it yet.. All in All- a great design- BUT- I am only giving it 4 stars because, although there are two infinite scenarios for free, each additional scenario is 1.99 each, with no option to purchase them all at a discount. I believe this is a mistake by the developers, who do not have enough confidence in this lovely app. It turns Off those people who will not take time to understand the brilliance of this app, and at the same time Extorts those logical people who would actually appreciate the app, and then rave about it. 1.99 for each additional scenario is way too pricey at~ $20.00 for the current set of puzzles- Any purchase would leave one feeling unsettled -as though the app will never truly be- your own. Then any new scenarios would always be a sad reminder that no matter what you'd pay- the app isn't ever going to be yours to enjoy fully- Just another representation of something more that you'd be missing... Every update- Just another hole in the happy... Nope.. Not Me... It's Not logical. They would do better to offer a Reasonable set fee, to purchase the whole app- with any future puzzles included- then joyfully encourage good reviews-after every update... That's how ski safari took off.. And I've written my fair share of reviews- of many fine and worthy purchases. People are looking for great games- but they don't look very hard- Anyways, thanks for a great game- but I won't purchase it 'till I can own the whole thing- then I'll gladly give 5 stars after Every Update- -And, I'll tell all my friends! It's only logical...
Review by Chickk let's on Logic Detective.

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