Works as advertised, and great support – QuickControl: for Nest Learning Thermostat® Review

Wow! What a great addition to Nest. Nest supposedly sets away and home automatically, but it doesn't always work, especially if you're not near the location of the thermostat. It thinks you're away when you're not. And with a dog, it can often set itself as home, when you're away. Geofencing is the way to do this, and this app works great without you even having to think about it. Have multiple people in the home? Use the multi-user function, and it will only set the system to away when everyone with the cell phone app is out of the house. As soon as one person returns, it sets Nest to home. Any questions or issues, email the author and get a very quick response. I don't know what more one could ask for. Wait a minute. I do know what one could ask for. Have it on the Apple Watch too. And it does! And it works! Love this app!
Review by Kenmanblue on QuickControl: for Nest Learning Thermostat®.

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