It did not help a little bit. – Cheats for The Sims 4 Freeplay Edtion Review

Do another update so I don't have to sit through all those ads or I will delete the app. It has nothing to do with the sims freeplay at all so if you want me to keep it then do and update to get rid of the ads and get the sims free play on there in cheats so I can cheat on the sims then I can tell a lot of people then they will download it but first I want a approve meant on it so the sims freeplay in cheats and no more ads every 15 seconds make then every 2 minutes instead its your chose make an update and get more people or don't make a update and lose more people. YOUR CHOSE
Review by Duckyyyyyy22246 on Cheats for The Sims 4 Freeplay Edtion.

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