A Good Game Ruined – Targets Review

As far as I've been able to tell, the overall gameplay is excellent. The problem comes with the developer's choice to grasp at any opportunity for ad placement. Sure, it's a free game and ads can be removed for a price, but I'm not sure why the free version even exists. It's frustrating with spammy ad placements that either distract from game or pop up to receive unintentional taps. The lack of confidence that this game will succeed and be funded through a subtle ad model (or only paid option) will be its demise. I can't play properly and paying to remove ads seems too little too late. My first impression of frustration and confusion doesn't give me any confidence as a consumer. It's ads first, game second, player experience last. Putting people first would take this game to the top of the charts.
Review by IconGuy88 on Targets.

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