True Salvation – Heaven? Review

I will use the literal translation from the Greek: “When you were buried along with Him through baptism (translates as to dip in ceremony <as in water>) through which then you were raised along with Him on account of the faith of the action of God, the [One] to waken Him out from among the lifeless,” (Literal translation of Colossians 2:12 with Greek) The Greek baptizo is the same as the Hebrew Rachats, both meaning to dip, to bathe, to wash off or away (specifically in water). Rachats: to wash, wash off or away, bathe Baptizo: ceremonially washed, undergo, to dip, sink, to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean with water (baptízō – properly, "submerge" (Souter); hence, baptize, to immerse (literally, "dip under"). (baptízō) implies submersion ("immersion"), In every verse that I use for Baptism in the New Testament, this is the form of baptism they use. “To make clean with water” And acts 2:38 comes out like this: “Peter, on the other hand, towards them declared ‘Change the inner man along with being baptized (this is meaning to make clean with water) , every one of you, within the authority of Jesus the anointed one, for (defined as ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.) forgiveness (defined as releasing someone from obligation or debt.) of your failure/sin/missing the mark and/so you will get the gift of the Holy Spirit,” The people actually asked Peter: “How shall we act” meaning “how shall we act upon this?” which shows they already believed. It says: “Having comprehended by hear they were thoroughly deeply pained (this is actually only used in Acts 2:37) to the inner self” so they truly were hurt about Peters speech. They asked him what to do about not only their belief but what Peter had said about Jesus dying for them, and he said, “Change the inner man along with being baptized, every one of you, within the authority of Jesus the anointed one, for the result of the forgiveness of your failure/sin/missing the mark and/so/then you will get the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Jesus said: "Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." (John 3:5) Not only that, we have the Jewish ceremony (which I think most you guys agree that most, meaning 98% of Jewish ceremonies translate to Christianity) Miqva'ot. It is a Old Testament and New Testament tradition where you'd give your lamb to the priest he'd sacrifice it, and then you'd immerse in a pool of water and be clean and pure again. Leviticus 14:8 says, "The person being purified must then...bathe themselves in water. Then they will be ceremonially clean..." This translates into the New Testament with Baptism. But Baptismal is a work! Baptism is not a work, God is doing all the work as in Colossians 2:12: “When you were buried along with Him through baptism through which then you were raised along with Him (<[{on account of the faith of the action of God}]>) , the One to waken Him out from among the lifeless,” When you are Baptized GOD saves you through faith, but you only receive the Holy Spirit through Baptism: “Change the inner man along with being baptized....for the result of the forgiveness of your failure/sin/missing the mark (<and/so/then you will get the gift of the Holy Spirit>),” (Parentheses for italics) What about Cornelius and Pentecost? God was stating that, "hey! This is my new covenant," Even the early Christians said, "Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance into life," (Acts 11:18) and earlier Peter said, "and as I began to speak, the Holy [Spirit] fell on them, AS ON US..." (Capitalization mine). It was to show he had approved of the apostles and was now approving of the Gentiles. What about the thief on the cross? Really... 1) he was on a cross and couldn't be baptized 2) Jesus hadn't died yet 3) .....he was on a cross There are exceptions?! Yes, if you are sincere, you believe, repent, and are on your way to your baptism, on your death bed and can't get up, or die before you can get baptized I do believe you go to heaven Does this mean believers who didn't believe in baptism this way, but got baptized went to heaven? Hey, I really don't know, that's a hard question, I'd like to believe that God is merciful enough to accept them if they had good intentions and really didn't know. I really think that's up to the Big Guy. What about Romans 10:9 Romans was written to Christians (Romans 1:6-8) Romans speaks of Baptism as the death, burial, and resurrection of ourselves (Romans 6:3-7) And then he talks about Romans 10:9 which correlates WITH baptism. I still don't believe that Baptism is a part of Salvation... I have spoken with Bible Verses, Historical proof, and I honestly think that if you don't believe this, then you wouldn't believe in Baptism is Jesus came down and told you. Please pray (sincerely), I don't think a person is truly faithful until he/she prays to be show the truth. I have done so many times and this is what I was shown every single time. Do know I do not undermine praying before you get baptized, please do! God'll really appreciate it! And I hope you do repent. But what I do not advocate is a hard written down "Salvation Prayer" 1) as I have shown you that is not how you are saved. 2) it is not always sincere Verses about Baptism: Matthew 3:3 Matthew 3:11 Matthew 3:13-16 (He is our example) Matthew 20:18-19 Mark 1:8-10 Mark 16:16 Luke 3:4 Luke 3:16 Luke 3:21-22 Luke 7:29-30 John 3:5 Acts 2:38 Acts 2:41 Acts 8:36-38 Acts 10:46-47 Acts 16:13-15 Acts 16:31-33 Acts 19:1-6 Acts 22:16 Acts 19:4 Romans 6:3-7 1 Corinthians 10:2 Colossians 2:12 1 Peter 3:21
Review by ANREESE107 on Heaven?.

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