The experiment – Letters to Santa Gold Review

Lately, I've been seeing a lot of negative reviews about this app. That's when I decided to reinstall this app. It took only a couple of seconds to install, which tells me that this app likely has hardly any effort put into it. But I tried it anyways, even though I'm not much of a Santa believer. It asked me many random questions, such as my gender and my age. I just put in random answers, knowing the app MIGHT be stealing personal info. And then, I went into the letter writing section, and it won't let me enter the text! I tried pressing buttons, saying things and lots more. But then, I gave up and uninstalled this app. How sad. I hope you have learned to be less greedy and not to disappoint kids.
Review by Leo Pagano on Letters to Santa Gold.

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Love it's

You need to fix this
Diesel is amazing

Use to be great......


Doses not work
Muffin But 123