impressive – Counting Sheeps for Kids Review

free, no ads as far as I can tell, simple, relaxing there's a lullaby in the background that seems to get slower as more sheep are counted the counting goes by slow, and you can watch the clouds move and the moon rise and the sky get dark I've been having trouble falling asleep and I downloaded this midday and opened it to see if it was any good and I found myself almost dozing off it's insanely relaxing also, it is very pretty, I can't really tell if the graphics are in HD or not but I am on an iPad mini retina and it looks very nice Thanks for not turning something as sweet and personal as a sheep counting app into a way to trick sleepy people into clicking ads. Most other sheep counters in the App Store have ads. good job, I like it a lot
Review by starstvff on Counting Sheeps for Kids.

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