beWAre Bugs,won't save, have to start anew each time – Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness HD Review

Shame on you for not pulling this game. If your not willing to fix it then why would you continue to sell it. I've played many of your games. This was a huge letdown, from seeing all the bad reviews I am not alone. I hope someone chokes on every unearned penny you get from the disappointed customers who deserve to get a game that at the very least can be played. I give you one star you know that is because 0 isn't an option. This game is a zero, my opinion of the makers as well. Obviously you have no scruples. iTUNEs should pull this garbage, I want a refund too.
Review by Beebuzzkill on Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness HD.

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