Epic Adventure! Challenging and fun. – Epic Citadel Review

I am still enjoying this game for a few minutes each day. Truth be told, it is adrenaline-pumping! The battles against the orcs and goblins are fun and not too difficult. Once you learn their respective vulnerabilities, they're the typical fodder for grinding that pervades these types of games. The first dragon was tough, but fortunately I had already discovered the Crossbow of Woe. Had I not been lucky enough to stumble upon it just minutes before, I don't think my Destiny Longsword would have been sufficient. I was not yet armored enough for a melee combat. All I had was a +5 helm and a leather jacket. So ranged attack was ideal. Useful tip: if you start pick-pocketing the guards early, instead of bribing them, you can build up the skill enough so by the time you get to the armory past the Golden Flagon Tavern, you won't even have to use the drugged meade on them to make a successful pick-pocket. This saves money and lets you have a chance of getting some rare keys. I got the Blue Sapphire key to Werdna's Storage, as well as the Onyx Key which I only recently discovered gives you access to the Weeping Droge vault. 5k xp right there, so that was awesome. Still discovering new adventures all the time. Great game! Keep the updates coming! I'm eager to see what is beyond the Bridge Tanthoo once I get the fifth gem for the gate receptacle. :D
Review by iDan iKnight on Epic Citadel.

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