A step in the right direction.. – Warhammer Review

I'm very pleased with the app, it's a good move to bring this decades-old hobby to the tablets/phones/devices we constantly have at our fingertips. Definitely a good marketing strategy for the company to make it all the more accessible. It gives highlighted write-ups for select kits, novels, Etc, providing a quick "buy it now" button associated with each segment. I can only assume there will be rules, special features, and other "White Dwarf" elements that will migrate to the app, pending it's success. This is a good thing, so long as it remains free. I would like to see a search function implemented, and a better system of categorizing the feed. Aside from this, I welcome this app as a very big step in the right direction for getting Warhammer information to the masses easily and effectively, without the monthly expense of White Dwarf / Visions. The trick will be keeping it updated and interesting (articles, tips, how-to's, news, battle reports, tactics, Etc) and not just a mobile push-notification machine to tell us a new kit is released. A battle report, for instance, could have a link to buy particular formations highlighted in the write-up. The potential here is great, to satisfy both the hobbyist AND the vendor. Here's to hoping.
Review by Intelligentdude84 on Warhammer.

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