Excellent! Happy I selected this one! – PrompterPal Review

I do “old style” science fiction radio plays with music, and I also do YouTube video tutorials on various aspects of using NOTION (PreSonus) music notation and virtual instrument software, and when I realized that a teleprompter might be helpful I did a bit of research and selected PrompterPal, in part based on the information provided at the developer website, since it provides more detail and it appeared that ProperPal has the features and functionality I need, which basically are reasonably simple but specific. I purchased PrompterPal 4.1.1 at the start of October 2014 and immediately did an experiment with excellent results, for sure! I run Mac OS X 19.9.4 (Mavericks) on a Mac Pro (Early 2008), and I use an iPad2 currently running iOS 7.1.1, and everything is working very nicely. Specifically, on the Mac Pro I did a bit of editing on the scripts for three chapters of a science fiction radio play I am going to record, which involved saving them as Text files. I copied the edited files to the PrompterPal app’s data area in iTunes and then attached the iPad2 to the Mac Pro, followed by doing an update and sync, which copied the radio play scripts (Text files) to PrompterPal on the iPad2. After the iPad2 update and sync, I examined the radio play scripts, and they were there in the download area for PrompterPal. I created a PrompterPal “Group” and then added each radio play script to the “Group”, which works nicely and is easy to do. It is done by selecting the file and then selecting the newly created “Group”, which moves the file from the download area for PrompterPal into the “Group”. Very easy to do! Next I experimented with the text options; scrolling; ability to move the text with my finger to scroll it upward or downward a bit when I am reading faster or slower; teleprompter “transport”, which has backward, play, forward, and a few other buttons, but just a few, which keeps it simple and practical to use. This works nicely and is sufficiently simple to use while reading, speaking, and recording the script, which here in the sound isolation studio for me involves needing to work the teleprompter and a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) application, since I am the talent, producer, audio engineer, script writer, music composer, and everything else that is involved in the production, hence being able to control everything in a practical way is very important, because there is a limit to have many things I can do simultaneously. Summarizing, PrompterPal does everything I need it to do, and I am very happy that it is the teleprompter app I selected for use on my iPad2! For what I need to do, PrompterPal is perfect! P. S. There is a detailed user guide for PrompterPal at the developer website, and you can download it. I am a customer and have no affiliation with Sunshine Valley Systems. My YouTube video tutorials are on YouTube (“SurfWhammy” Channel), which is an easy way to verify that I am a customer. I have not used PrompterPal for a YouTube video tutorial, but I have it and can use it. I definitely need to use PrompterPal for the new chapters of my science fiction radio play, because the scripts are very precise. I usually do the YouTube video tutorials in a more ad hoc way, but so what.
Review by Surfwhammy on PrompterPal.

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