Superb – ESPGALUDA II HD Review

Easily my favorite of caves games. I own them all after all ^~^. With that being said dodonpachi bug princess and even bug panic and deathsmiles have their own plus and minus. This title is given a beefed up graphics and playability that it makes it as close to perfect as you can get for iOS. I HIGHLY recommend this be the ONLY version you buy too. Like many others I questioned was HD really worth it's price? Then - no. I chose to just be cheap and get the Sp standard version. In doing so not only did I miss out on the arcade version which serves it's own awesome title but I also basically chose a less appealing title graphically because I wanted to be cheap and I do In fact regret it. Save your money and wait if you have to. hD especially on iPad and iPhone 5+ is EXTREMELY noticeable and worth the extra $. This is a classic title you simply cannot go without trying.
Review by LupoMD on ESPGALUDA II HD.


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