Needs a lot more thought. (A letter to the developers) – Oscura Second Shadow Review

This is meant for the developers of this game to better their product. As a note I have not played this game all the way to the end. However, that being said I still see much to be tweaked. 1) the soundtrack is lacking, it feels fluffy and repetitive. This is great for classic games although we have come a long way and soundtracks can really open a game up in mood and replay-ability. On the same note, the sound FX could be much more thought out as well, they just feel like rough versions of what they could be. 2) The art direction of this game is going in a good direction. However, minor animations feel like they could a lot of improvement to bring more life into the game (I.E. backgrounds, environments, enemies, etc.). The menu systems feel like they are a bit confused, they look and feel like angry birds yet the game itself has a darker tone to it. These just don't match. 3) Controls... They work. Okay, now having these huge buttons on the screen is fairly pointless. We can use the same control system but have less distraction from the game. They also have a fluffy feel and distract from the darker art direction of the game, which is slightly confusing. This game needs some updates to stand by itself a complete and unique title amount a vast world of platformers. In the meantime I am most likely going back and replaying other games until this has had some more thought. Good effort developers, a little more will get you a place in the top sellers, with this version the game might be forgotten next week.
Review by Leumas42 on Oscura Second Shadow.

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