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Download Street Skaters 3D Skateboard

Street Skaters 3D Skateboard

Street Skater 3D Skateboard is the ultimate adventure for adrenaline, tricks and fun! Enjoy a radical skate board session! Complete combo tricks to improve your skills! If you like skateboard, flips, grinds and a smooth 3D endless runner gameplay, download Street Skater 3D Skateboard for free now! The tricks animations are inspired in real pro skateboarder movements. Keep skateboarding!
Category Price Seller Device
Games $1.99 Raul Ando iPhone, iPad, iPod

The Best Street Skate Mobile Game:

- Street Skateboard different scenarios: Skate Park, City Streets, Neighborhoods, Parks and more....
- Choose different skateboarders: Mike, Vicky, Derek and Annie.
- Complete Amazing Combo Skate Tricks: Ollie, Kickflip, Hellflip, 5-0, 50-50, FS Nosegrind, FS Tailslide and more...
- Use different obstacles: Ramps, Grinds, Stairs, Banks, Platforms, and more...
- Skateboard with your friends, who can make the most amazing combo trick?
- 12 language options.


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