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Skyscanner – travel deals

Search, compare and book cheap flights on the go with the award-winning Skyscanner Flights app!
Category Price Seller Device
Travel Free Skyscanner Limited iPhone, iPad, iPod

Search millions of flights from hundreds of airlines instantly for free, making it easier than ever to find the best airfare.

With over 35 million downloads, our app is a must-have for the savvy traveler.

Independent and unbiased, we simply find the flight deals out there and transfer you to the airline or travel agent to purchase.


Get notified of any price changes for your saved route with our Price Alerts so you never miss a price drop for your flight.


Easily find cheaper days and months to fly in the color-coded calendar and chart view.


For the best deals, select ‘Everywhere’ in the destination box and we’ll inspire you with great prices to destinations around the world.

Also view Top Deals from your nearest airport.


Narrow down your options with our Filters by duration, number of stops, airline, travel class and departure & arrival times.


Access your recent searches from your home screen so you could quickly pick up where you left off with your flight search.


Log in to sync your searches and price alerts across all your devices - phone, tablet and desktop, so you can plan your vacation anytime, everywhere.


Earn frequent flier miles by booking via the Skyscanner Flights app where applicable.


We don’t charge booking fees – so no hidden charges, just cheap flights.

Available in over 30 languages

* Travel app award, Mobile Entertainment Awards 2014
* Best Mobile Application Award in Travel: Flight Trackers category, The Mobbys Awards 2012
* Utilities & Services: Tablet, The Lovie Awards 2012



Eravate i migliori nel trovare viaggi economici con le migliori soluzioni. Da pochi anni non è più cosi, ne con i prezzi ne per le soluzioni consigliate. Voli sconnessi con spostamenti autonomi, bagagli quasi sempre non inclusi, lunghi percorsi, lunghe attese con molti scali.

Poor providers, lack of support, difficult bookings
Nothing free

The app redirects through providers for booking. Went through their top options and ended up failing to book because each had various errors and were difficult to use.


Was not confident about oojo agency but they actually gave me really good price

Bring back the old version

I updated the app recently and I really don’t like it i wish i can get back the old version it was vibrant full of colors easy to maneuver the new version is bland and harder to go through

Different pricing when Using app

When I use the Skyscanner app I get completely different person than if I went to a new browser window and type in Why would I pay more using the app versus going directly to your website?. Could this be a scam?

No hacen devoluciones

Muy mal servicio cuando hacen una cancelación, retienen el dinero y dicen que de 5 a 10 días. Pero no devuelven el dinero de la compra


I love SKYSCANNER! I use it all the time, the prices are accurate & Ive never had any issues!

Was great until sponsored listings
Wendell C.

Interesting how they added sponsored listings that show up at a higher price and take first listing. But the kicker is that the same flights and times are listed right below and usually at half the price. Has really detracted from the overall experience.

Why is the price calendar gone?? ?

Half the point of using SkyScanner was to be able to see the daily prices on the calendar. I installed the app and the calendar is gone. I opened the website, it forces the app to open. I uninstalled the app and went to the website, and the calendar is gone. That price calendar feature helps people flex their dates and save money, which is why the company was started in the first place. So why all of a sudden is the price calendar gone?? Severely disappointed in you!! ?



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