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Download Quiz - Hogwarts Trivia Edition

Quiz - Hogwarts Trivia Edition

Hogwarts Trivia is a collection of questions spanning the entire series of books. Download today and test your knowledge.
Category Price Seller Device
Entertainment $0.99 Chad Poser iPhone, iPad, iPod

NOTE: This is an unofficial trivia app and not affiliated with J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.


Excellent potter trivia game

100 question game. Really fun! Great questions!


Need to check spelling and grammar

HP Trivia

Good questions, but they are the same 100. There is no update, no second guessing (no back button), no discussion boards, not really worth paying .99 for it. It should be free!

Very limited

The questions aren't very challenging and there are only 100 of them. It lasted me about 10 minutes

Good quiz

It's a good quiz but question #77 confuses me. The question is: "What does Professor Lupin drink to prevent him from turning into a werewolf?" My understanding is that he cannot prevent himself from turning into a werewolf but the wolfsbane potion mearly allows him to control himself, rather than attack random people. If this information is incorrect and you end up seeing this, I am sorry to have said all this and annoyed myself a lot. (I am on an ipod, duuuh).

Not worth 99¢

Where to begin? Whoever wrote these questions has problems with even rudimentary reading comprehension. Many of the answers they deem "correct" demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the source material. The app doesn't contain a listing of the answers, or even a credits page- which I suppose I can understand. I wouldn't want to put my name on this opportunistic piece of crap either. Please don't wast your money. It will just encourage these illiterate, thieving trolls.


This game rocks I am a hogwarts master at triva


It's quite good, but bloody hell! It needs more spice.


Don't get it. Only 100 questions and they never change. If you love HP it won't last you long.

It's good

I like this game but have 2 really annoying snags. I don't like it when I get one incorrect and they don't show the REAL answer, and also once I pressed on the wrong answer but I knew the right answer - they should create an are you sure button for that. Otherwise great game!

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