ProCamera. Professional Camera Reviews – Page 40

5/5 rating based on 449 reviews. Read all reviews for ProCamera. Professional Camera for iPhone.
ProCamera. Professional Camera is paid iOS app published by Cocologics GmbH

Blurry image...

Star back

I like the app on my iPhone X but the images come out not sharp. Did not have this problem on my iPhone 7plus. Can this be fixed?

Raw pics


Raw photos does not focus as on jpg on iPhone 8 plus. Why?


Hansen L

This app gives you all the pro controls you’d expect on a flagship iOS camera app. However, Live Photo is painfully missing!! Would’ve completely replaced my other camera apps if it only had Live Photo support. Developers, please implement native Live Photo support. UPDATE: the developers were very quick and polite to reply. I’m very impressed and I look forward to them bringing Live Photos to this app. Good work guys!

Best Camera App!


This is the best camera app I’ve used. It’s the near perfect solution for the photography I enjoy doing (Instagram). I hope they update the HDR optimization for the iPhone 8 Plus soon. I definitely recommend this as the go to app for iPhone photography!

Best then. Best now. iPhone X


Update - December 2017: ProCamera is still the best camera app out there. Now with the iPhone X, ProCamera seems even more powerful. I now get beautiful 14mb jpegs with tonnes of detail that I’ve printed up to 13x19, and could probably manage bigger. I could go on but the beauty of ProCamera is that it stays out of the way. It doesn’t slam me with gimmicks, it gives me real world usable features and a stable and lightning fast software. That’s all I want. Any camera is NEVER gonna take good pictures for you, only the user can make the pictures happen, ProCamera does a great job helping me do that. Update - February 2016: I always look forward to these updates and I always buy the new in-app purchase just to support them. Also, to those saying that the in-app purchases are too expensive, remembering that the latest paid iteration of ProCamera was for iOS 7, so I think it's been about two years, so if you're living in some magical world where $.99 is supposed to cover the expenses of years of use and updates, get real. This is a great app which offers significant features as well as continued support and development for the future. If the IAP's are too expensive, don't use them. I rarely do, but it's nice to have that useful stuff in my toolbox, and I like to support app developers that are doing good work. They're really head and shoulders above the rest. And doing more and significant stuff, not just trying to introducing features to add bullet points to they're feature list, but adding unique and significantly useful stuff and further refining what's already there. I will happily continue to support these developers as long as they keep making the best camera app in the App Store. Thanks. Update - November 2015: ProCamera is still just the only camera app I use-- the only one I ever want to use. It's just like everything that makes Leicas great cameras to use out in the street or from the hip; it just allows itself to be used as an extension of your hand. You don't have to think about using it, it just allows me to respond to the things I see quickly with great quality. They also have great customer service. Update July, 2015: Still the best camera app. Easily. Update July, 2015: ProCamera continues to be head and shoulders above the next best choice. It's been my go to camera app for 2+ years. Update: ProCamera 8: this is still the best in town. People complaining about the usefulness of the histogram, turn it off, the only thing that matters is the shadow and highlight on the histogram, the rest is moot. This is the best camera app on the market, I rarely use HDR, but got it just to support the developers. I love this app. Keep up the good work. Thanks! Original Review: This app can do everything you want as far as capture is concerned. ProCamera has a seriously good editing side as well, but capture is far-and-away it's strongest suit. It's fast. It's really fast. That's important to mobile photography-- maybe the linchpin of mobile photography. Full screen shutter release is genius, and helps me be more responsive as a photographer. When all is said and done, I have ~8 MB files that I can do a lot with. I've printed 13 x 19 inch prints with pictures taken with ProCamera 7. Now that I'm able to manually control the ISO, I'm sure that even in low-light situations I'll be able to achieve similarly high-quality prints, which were noisy before, through no fault of ProCamera 7, but because of the iOS limitations. Now the best camera app in the App Store just got even better. It's worth every penny. They are responsive and ambitious developers who care about their app, and strive for the best balance of utility without adding bulk and staying out of the way of me and a good picture. It also allows for a great deal of control if that's what you desire, but 9 times out of 10, ProCamera delivers excellent results without any fine-tuning needed. I only recommend this app, and I've tried a lot of camera apps. ProCamera has never let me down or failed to impress. Just get it already.

Must have app


One of the best.

iPhone X focus


I really like this app but I now have the iPhone X and the focus is not as sharp as the native camera app. Sharpness is very important as I am a photographer and when I do not have a big camera with I use iPhone. Update of review: I now know that the problem with getting sharp images is when shooting in RAW, the jpeg images are very sharp. Even when shake sensitivity is on high, images still not sharp. I shoot RAW images because I post process to get the look I want but still need pic to be sharp.

Excellent iPhone camera app

The Fiddl3r

I use this app almost exclusively for photos on my iPhone 8p. The feature set is very thorough. Only bad glitch I’ve discovered is with RAW photos. Sometimes the app fails to take the picture and presents an error message concerning flash. The issue was reported to the developers and their answer was immediate. It appears Apple has a ‘bug’ in their camera system that causes the error. The current ‘fix’ is to reboot the iPhone. The developer response has always been excellent. I had numerous questions early on and they responded very quickly. I also received a quick acknowledgment for a couple of suggestions I offered.

The Absolute Best Camera App Bar None!!


I love this app. Nothing I have tried on my iPhone 6+ comes close. As I blabbed on Twitter there are times when I think about breaking out my Canon 5D Mark Ill but opt for the phone and this app instead. Of course there are times when I need my specialized Canon L series lenses, but for day-to-day shooting this app I really a ProCamera.

Best camera app


This is the best camera app so far