Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 Reviews

5/5 rating based on 49 reviews. Read all reviews for Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 for iPhone.
Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 is paid iOS app published by Playsport Games Ltd

Best manager game: but suggestion

Miami FC

I would like to start off that this is the best manager simulator I’ve ever played. You can enjoy this game without in app purchases and it’s very addicting. I love integrate features of having a youth academy or participating in different racing series. One thing that could improve is the competition. After one or two seasons you become much more superior than anybody else in tier 1. And it feels somewhat boring, even on “hard” mode. If we could include maybe another level of difficulty where the AI actively upgrades their cars, recruits new drivers, or makes serious sponsor moves that would be amazing. Maybe also include a rival feature with other companies. Regardless. Great game and keep up the good work.

Rly Good. Could be amazing


Developer should totally add more types of Motorsport like rally and rallycross (joker lap would make for excellent strategy calls). More real life tracks would be cool too. Also it would be cool to have a limited number of engines and gearboxes that we can use per season that degrade over the course of the season and we get penalties for going over the limit. These are just suggestions for updates/future games but this one is pretty good.

The Ending of every season

Harry PotHERB

Love the game played 1,2 and now 3. Love the new features with the mechanics vs adjusting for speed/straight/corners ect from 2 but why give me the option to higher a new driver from training pool but if i keep the driver i like and give up the trainee then AFTER i get offered 7 mill for the driver and have to replace with a random from the regular driver pool, i should get the offers to sell my current driver before i higher rookie from the training pool. Other than that keep up the good work and ill keep spending my money on you guys ?



I have MM for PC, MM and MM2 for android and MM2 and MM3 for iOS. Every time i think this game can not get any better, but you guys make it better with every new release. Keep em coming and i will keep on buying. Great job!

Amazing Game


Amazing game that builds on every bit of complexity of the games before it. The level of detail is coming close to matching that of the PC game. Great job by the Playsports team, no complaints ?.

Absolutely fantastic, keeps getting better

Kyleg 48

Every release of this game is a very hug improvement. Games extremely stable and more in depth with the two new types of racing, a better formatted HQ upgrades, and an interesting strategy for upgrading the supplier network. My only complaint is that on the invitational event the Phoenix 50 the blue flags ruin the race you can’t go off strategy because you will be blue flagged out of contention and that’s not realistic in open wheel oval racing. Other than that complaint the game has been absolutely superb

One of my favorites


Ok so I played the first one a year or two ago and I really liked it! Never got a chance to play the second one. but now I can play this one and I love it so so much! Great graphics, lots of depth, and at a good price too! I would totally recommend you to buy this if you’ve been looking at it cause it’s definitely worth it and it feels like it has a lot of content.

Wow, It’s as Close to the Mac/PC Version as You Can Get!


I love Motorsport Manager 1 and 2, and I have the game for my Mac too. There is no other sports sim that even comes close to this. MM3 now brings pretty much everything from the Mac/PC version and even adds some stuff, like supply chains. The only real difference is that the cars are still dots here rather than cars, but that’s a really minor point. Now, the game offers AR view, haptic feedback, and so may customizations (please buy the IAP while still on sale, you will really want it later). If you’re worried about the learning curve, don’t. I know zero about motorsports except what I’ve learned from this series of games. I’m a hockey and lacrosse guy. Still, the game is completely playable as you learn all the inns and outs of racing.



I have MM and MM3 on iOS, and MM on Mac (Steam). This newest iteration takes all the great stuff from all the previous iterations and gets rid of some of the stuff I didn’t like. Awesome job!

The best by miles

Sir Willzzzzzzzzzz

I haven’t been able to drop my phone since it came out yesterday. The graphics are absolutely crazy, the features are amazing and the supposed f1 series is so beautiful. It’s absolutely addictive. You won’t regret buying this at all.